Long Bean Rice

Monday, April 25, 2011

Another one pot cooking comfort food when you were lazy to dish up a few items on the table. I had tasted this when I was small and after looking thru fellow blogger's post on this, I am tempted to dish this up since I have some long beans left in the fridge. I had made some changes from the recipe where I had use roast pork (siew yoke) and added mushrooms and sausages into the rice. The end result was SLURRRP..... We (Hubby and I) were practically getting 2 bowls of this yummy rice. I had cooked so much that we had the rice again as brunch the next day.. :)

Steamed D.O.M Chicken

Friday, April 22, 2011

I have bookmarked this recipe for quite some time and yet have not have the chance to try it out. Since the DOM wine is lying in my cabinet untouch till now, I decided to make good use of it for dinner tonight. All the ingredients are very simple and it's basically 'throw' everything in the deep plate and place it on a steamer. This dish is good to be eaten especially during rainy days as it will heat up of our body due to DOM wine. I am practically sipping up all the soup from this dish. Yummy.


2 large chicken thighs
3 tbsp DOM (D.O.M)
1 inch ginger, sliced thinly
5 tbsp water +1 tsp chicken stock
1 tbsp wolfberries
10 red dates
1/2 tbsp sesame oil
10 chinese mushrooms, sliced thinly
salt to taste


1) Place the chicken thighs into a wide and deep plate. Line the bottom of the vessel with sliced mushrooms, reserving some to top the chicken.

2) Add in ginger, D.O.M, water, sesame oil, wolfberries, red dates and the rest of the sliced mushrooms.

3) Seal tightly with aluminium foil and cook the chicken on high heat until the water at the steamer is boiling.

4) Lower down the heat and continue to cook for about 40-50 minutes. Serve hot.

Chilli Prawn Long Beans

Another simple stir fry vegetables dish using the chilli prawn paste that I had bought from Melaka. Basically, we just need to stir fry some garlic till fragrant. Add in long beans, carrots and lastly seasoning like chilli prawn paste, sugar and salt to taste. Add in some water as well. Give the vegetables a good stir till all mixed. Cover the wok and let it simmer for a few minutes before dish them up as I preferred a softer long beans texture. Bon Appetite!

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